Newsletter for August 2016

I want to welcome all the new subscribers to YOUCave. 

I hope you find this entertaining as well as informative. If you have any questions about taking youth cave exploring, or you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should explore with everyone, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

Blog Posts

Brandywine Red Clay Alliance Summer Camp Explores Wind Cave

The BRCA campers spent 2 hours exploring different parts of the cave. But it's so big they did not get to see all the rooms and passages. Hopefully, these campers will back again and see more of the cave.

Updates to the Website

I added a couple pages to the website. Let me know what you think.

Speaking Page

Yes, I do give talks. Mostly these are "Cave Talks" to the youth groups that I take cave exploring. I have done a couple of talks at libraries and for Powder Horns. I enjoy doing these and I'd like to do more this year.
If you would like to book me to give a talk, send me an email or comment below. First take a look at my speaking page and let me know what you think?

YOUCave Store

When you purchase from the YOUCave Store you will help kids stimulate curiosity, promote self-confidence, grow in a social environment, become a team leader, and learn about their environment; all by getting them involved with cave exploring.
Currently the items are all original and created just for YOUCave. I hope in the future to be able to carry other items useful to youth cavers and the volunteers who make getting them underground possible. If you have any suggestions, please let me know with a comment below or email.

5 Reasons To Take Youth Cave Exploring

I hope you all have see this, but if you have not, please take a look at it. This is what YOUCave is all about. Please share this booklet with your friends and anyone who is interested in empowering youth to be the best they can be.

I Need Your Help

Please take a minute to fill out this survey.

Cave Safely, Cave Softly, Cave Often,
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but well placed footprint, kill nothing but time." - cavers' creed.


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