Caving with the Montco Community College Outdoor Club

One of the “groups” I’d like to spend more time taking caving is college students. The problem is that they are extremely busy, and always broke. But I can work with that. This is one of the joys of being a volunteer. Most of them can afford my rate. But getting the time scheduled is still tough.

Katrina Berry caving in WV
The Outdoor Club at the Montgomery County Community College is a great group to do this with. First, my friend, Katrina Berry, was a student there and she made the introductions and arrangements. Second, well, they just like to get out and do adventurous activities.

Instead of babbling on, just watch the video to see what happened. And special thanks to Mike Shank from York Grotto, Alex and Sarah Diamond, and Bill LaPorte from Dragon Breath Grotto.

Be a Supporter Our crowdfunding campaign is still going strong to raise money to help support a vertical caving program that will enable youth in PA, NJ, DE, and MD to safely learn and experience vertical caving. Become a supporter. Make a difference.

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If you want more information about taking youth groups caving, or you’re just curious about what’s involved with getting kids underground, visit the National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee at Or you can email me directly at I’d enjoy hearing from you.

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“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but well placed footsteps, kill nothing but time.” – cavers’ creed

National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee. The youth group’s connection to caves and caving.


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