What Makes A Good Cave Guide?

In my position as Chair the the National Speleological Society's Youth Group Liaison Committee, I've been asked a few times, "How do I know is a good guide?" I put this out in front of a few cavers to see their opinion.

A few links that are mentioned in this video are:

National Speleological Society
NSS - Youth Group Liaison Committee
Cave Chat


If you want more information about taking youth groups caving, or you’re just curious about what’s involved with getting kids underground, visit the National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee at www.caves.org/youth. Or you can email me directly at allenmaddox@youcave.org. I’d enjoy hearing from you.

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“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but well placed footsteps, kill nothing but time.” – cavers’ creed

National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee. The youth group’s connection to caves and caving.


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