Youth Groups Liaison Committee (YGLC) Report Q3 2014
Youth Groups Liaison Committee (YGLC) Report
Q3 2014
Arizona Regional Association – No RC
Mid Atlantic Region – Allen Maddox
Caving Program for Camp Horseshoe
at a stalling point.
Checked-in with Grottos about putting YGL information on their
web sites. Some have responded positively, but I haven't seen changes yet.
There was some interest in a cave geology program in a NJ
There is an interest is a caving program for BSA Area 6
V-Week (summer camp).
I have solicited to a local YMCA camp to help develop a
caving program for their summer camp.
Mississippi Valley-Ozark Region – No
Northeastern Regional Organization –
Northwest Caving Association –
Debbie Spoon
Ozark Valley Region – Eric Edelman
Rocky Mountain Region – No RC
Southeastern Regional Association –
Lewis Baker
Southwestern Region - Deanna Younger
Texas Speleological Association –
Mark Alman
My kids and I took a local DFW Boy Scout Troop
caving in Austin in August and I gave a cave talk at a Powderhorn Course south
of Waco earlier this month.
Virginia Region – Joey Fagan
I continue to field requests from youth organization leaders for
information on caving by facilitating contacts with cavers who live near the
inquiring group(s) and supplying information on cave conservation and
safety. A majority of inquiries seem come from scouting and church groups
in the northern Virginia Area.
The NSS publication "A Guide to Responsible Caving" is a good
general introduction that I generally pass along electronically to those who
request information.
Earl and Cheryl Suitor have been a valuable resource to offer assistance
to some of those groups from time to time. Cavers from the VPI Grotto and
Blue Ridge Grotto (in particular, Marian McConnell) are leading occasional
trips for scout groups. The Blacksburg, Virginia Recreation Department
conducts occasional caving trips for youth around Blacksburg (their outdoor
program is coordinated by Travis Coad, an NSS member and VPI Caver).
The recent acquisition of New River Cave by the NSS will benefit NSS
caver-led youth group caving efforts.
The VA Region
Coordinator NSS website was recently updated, with future updates planned.
Western Region - Steve Deveny
I have been asked to review and submit suggestions
for revision to the “Caving: A Policy Statement and Guidelines on
Caving Prepared by the Youth Groups Liaison Committee of the National
Speleological Society and the Boy Scouts of America”. This is in progress.
have been asked to work on a “Caving Program Feature” for the Boy Scouts of
I have been asked to review and update YGLC web site
and links. This is in progress.
I would like to develop some kind of online database
for the YGLC that keeps track of contacts for cavers, grottos, and youth
organization contacts in specific NSS Regions. No new progress.
I would like to change tactics with the YGLC. At this
point we have been taking a more passive approach to interfacing with youth
organizations. We have a web page that shows what we have to offer youth
organizations. From what I have been told that web page received about 100
views last month. With the millions of youth organizations members across the
US this is not good. I would like to take a more aggressive marketing approach
and actually reach out to other organizations to show them what we have to
offer their programs. More details to do this will be explored and reported on
later. No new progress.
To pull off the last two bullets the YGLC will need
some type of budget. I would like to explore how to raise funds to do these and
other projects in the future.
Looking for Regional Coordinator for Arizona Regional
Have a potential Regional Coordinator for Mississippi
Valley-Ozark Region
Looking for Regional Coordinator for Rocky Mountain
New Business
I have tried to increase activity to generate
awareness of Youth group caving on social media sites. Some success.
Starting to look at what resources are needed to
increase the outreach of the YGLC.
Starting to look at what would need to be in a budget
for 2016.
to get more Regions and Grottos involved in the YGLC.
more visibility.
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