I ‘m a Dirty Boy
The Cave Talk
I was invited to go talk to them at one of Troop 8’s meetings. All my gear and other stuff I had to carry up to the second floor, but it was worth it. These guys were great to be around. They asked questions and put up with my talk about cave geology and biology. They just wanted the adventure and get underground. That’s normal for this age group.
I was invited to go talk to them at one of Troop 8’s meetings. All my gear and other stuff I had to carry up to the second floor, but it was worth it. These guys were great to be around. They asked questions and put up with my talk about cave geology and biology. They just wanted the adventure and get underground. That’s normal for this age group.
The Cave
We went to one of our favorite caves and distributed helmets and lights and suited up. Heading inside and up to the first room they soon understood what I was talking about when I told them to maintain three points of contact. We divided into smaller groups and headed on into different parts of the cave.
We went to one of our favorite caves and distributed helmets and lights and suited up. Heading inside and up to the first room they soon understood what I was talking about when I told them to maintain three points of contact. We divided into smaller groups and headed on into different parts of the cave.
The guys in my group you could tell had
done high adventure together before. They joked and ribbed each
other, but they watched out for each other, too. They moved well
together as a team. This is critical when caving and they got it and
did it.
I could tell you all about the details
from the whole trip, but it’s just better to watch the two clips
I’ve included to see how well they did while having fun. Hopefully
they’ll want to do this again. Maybe we can find a slightly more
difficult cave for them next time.
Dirty Boy???
Oh yeah, the title??? You have to watch the videos to understand.
Oh yeah, the title??? You have to watch the videos to understand.
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“Take nothing but picture, leave
nothing but well placed footprints, kill nothing but time.” –
cavers’ creed
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