Speaking Page

Allen Maddox - Founder, YOUCave
Hi, I'm Allen. I help kids discover how awesome they really are by taking them into the thrilling world of caves. Cave exploring (or as non-cavers call it, spelunking) is not just an adrenaline rush, it awakens curiosity and imagination. I use this to inspire kids to level themselves up to see what they are truly capable of.

Since 2004, I have lead youth groups on cave exploring trips as the Youth Group Liaison for Philadelphia Grotto. I have also been the Regional Coordinator for the Mid-Appalachian Region for the National Speleological Society’s Youth Group Liaison Committee. In 2008 I took on the position of Chair for the National Speleological Society - Youth Group Liaison Committee and still continues with this, the MAR Regional Coordinator, and the Philadelphia Liaison positions. In 2007 I formed a caving focused BSA Venturing Crew called Dragon Breath Grotto which is still actively taking Boy Scout Troops and Venturing Crews on beginner and intermediate cave exploring excursions.

I can be engaged to talk at Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, schools, YMCA, Sunday school classes, college and university clubs, or any youth group activity or event. I am also available to talk at Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, library, or other group or event interested in engaging and empowering youth.

For more information and to book a talk, contact me at allenmaddox@youcave.org or call 610-741-3831 (voice mail and text OK).                                

Topics To Share

Caving 101 – What to expect when you go caving.

This topic is aimed at the members of a youth group planning on taking a cave exploring trip. Allen will review how caves are formed, what you might see inside a cave, how to safely explore a cave and the right equipment to have, and how to be a responsible caver.

Life Success through Caving – 5 Reasons to Take Youth Cave Exploring

This topic is aimed at all groups of all ages who want to understand why it is important for youth to be in nature. What do youth learn about themselves from cave exploring? What youth learn from cave exploring that they can bring back to their community? How you can easily support a cave exploring activity in a youth group or youth organization in your community?


"Allen helped me with a caving program a couple of years ago, and I found him extremely knowledgeable, good with the clients, and willing to step up and lead the group, even though he had not worked with me before. I highly recommend him as a cave guide and a youth leader, and I look forward to working with him again in the future." Eriq Powers - Owner, GO-AdventureSports/NEXTeams

"Allen was a great guide who made our campers feel safe all while having a fun, (possibly) once in a lifetime experience." Kate Thompson, Education Coordinator, Brandywine Red Clay Alliance.

 "...thank you so much for coming to our meeting. I am quite sure it was one of the most eventful meetings we've had in a while." - Jenna, Venturing Crew 28, President

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